Probiotique : en quoi les probiotiques peuvent-ils vous aider ?
Probiotic: how can probiotics help you?
Present naturally in our digestive system, probiotics play a key role in our daily health, but do you really know what a probiotic is?
Magnésium : à quoi reconnaît-on une carence en magnésium ?
Magnesium: how do you recognize a magnesium deficiency?
Saviez-vous que 7 Français sur 10 présentent un déficit quotidien au magnésium ? Pourtant il existe des signaux qui permettent de déceler une carence et de la traiter rapidement.
La vitamine B12 chez les enfants (rôle, carence, prévention)
Vitamin B12 in children (role, deficiency, prevention)
Questions about vitamin B12 intake in children today go beyond the circle of vegan and vegetarian parents. This is due to better knowledge of the fundamental role played by this vitamin on the ...
Les vitamines les plus importantes pour le corps humain
The most important vitamins for the human body
In this article, we invite you to learn more about the vitamins and minerals essential to the human body.
Comprendre la carence en vitamine B12 (Causes, Symptômes, traitement)
Understanding Vitamin B12 Deficiency (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment)
In this article, we will come back to the causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, the symptoms that accompany it and the means of treating it.
Quelle forme de Vitamine B12 choisir ? Cyano vs Methyl, Adéno...
Which form of Vitamin B12 to choose? Cyano vs Methyl, Adeno...
In this article, we have decided to take up the key information to remember about vitamin B12 and its different forms.
Pourquoi le potassium est-il indispensable au corps humain ?
Why is potassium essential for the human body?
Potassium plays a major role in the proper functioning of our body. How do we cover our daily needs?
Les Besoins Nutritionnels quotidiens : VNR, ANC, AQR, comprendre la jungle des acronymes
Daily Nutritional Requirements: VNR, ANC, AQR, understanding the jungle of acronyms
Nutrition has its acronyms to quantify and objectify our dietary needs. VNR, AJR, DJM, AQR, RPN are the most frequently encountered in product labeling.
Vitamines et minéraux de synthèse ou Bio : le dilemme de l’efficacité
Synthetic or organic vitamins and minerals: the dilemma of efficiency
In this article, we present the advantages and limits of organic food supplements for micronutrition
Comment sont contrôlés les compléments alimentaires en France
How are food supplements controlled in France?
In this article, we give you the keys to better understand how food supplements are controlled in France.
Diététique : quelques conseils pour une alimentation équilibrée
Conseils bien-être
Diet: some tips for a balanced diet
In this article, we give you some dietary advice for a balanced daily diet!
ÜMAIN : la plateforme de consommation responsable et solidaire
Coup de coeur
ÜMAIN: the responsible and supportive consumption platform
Interview of the week: we decided to find out a little more about Ümain, a platform that wants to make organic and healthy products more accessible.
Vitamine D et prévention des risques respiratoires : quelques repères importants
Vitamin D and prevention of respiratory risks: some important points
Vitamin D is one of the micronutrients that have a positive impact on general immunity and resistance to respiratory diseases.
Compléments alimentaires : quand et pourquoi prendre des compléments alimentaires ?
Food supplements: when and why to take food supplements?
Food supplements meet many basic needs of the human body. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to see clearly...
Comprendre l’essentiel sur la rétention d’eau cellulaire
Conseils bien-être
Understand the basics of cellular water retention
In this article, back to the causes, symptoms and tips to fight against water retention!
Comprendre l'essentiel sur l’immunité et les défenses immunitaires
Understand the basics of immunity and immune defenses
Immune defenses, adaptive and innate immunity, we describe these terms to help you understand everything in 5 minutes!
La Vitamine D : zoom sur ses bienfaits et ses propriétés
Vitamin D: zoom on its benefits and properties
Known as the “sunshine vitamin”, vitamin D3 is present in too low a quantity in a large majority of the population.
Presque tout sur l’Acérola, son origine, ses bienfaits nutritionnels
Almost everything about Acerola, its origin, its nutritional benefits
Do you know the origins of Acerola and its many qualities?
Les bienfaits des Oméga 3 et du DHA
The benefits of Omega 3 and DHA
To know everything about the benefits of Omega 3 and DHA!
FAIR’S FIT : l'épicerie de l'ouest dédiée à la nutrition des sportifs
Coup de coeur
FAIR'S FIT: the western grocery store dedicated to sports nutrition
Interview of the week: we decided to find out a little more about Fair's Fit, a Rennes start-up dedicated to athletes and foodies!
Vegan, Végétariens, pourquoi prendre de la vitamine B12 ?
Vegan, Vegetarians, why take vitamin B12?
You are vegetarian or vegan and you wonder about your nutritional intake: what is vitamin B12? In what form to take it? And in what quantity? Cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin? In this article, we ...