We have already told you almost everything about DHA , today we are going even further!
Reminders on Omega 3 and DHA
Omega-3s are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) called essential, because they are essential to the body.
Indeed, Omega 3 allows the proper development and functioning of the body.
The 3 constituents of PUFA are:
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is the precursor of the other two omega-3s. It must absolutely be provided by food because the body does not know how to synthesize it.
On the other hand, eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPA ) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ) can be synthesized by our body from ALA.
However, conversion of ALA into DHA is in more than 90% of cases very insufficient to cover our needs. It is therefore essential to provide DHA through diet or supplementation.
There are thousands of scientific studies that have highlighted the multiple benefits of Omega 3 DHA . We can, for example, cite the action of Omega 3 on the protection of the cardiovascular, cognitive, ocular and even immune systems and many others.
Here we will focus on DHA and its benefits.
Focus on DHA
DHA is therefore a polyunsaturated fatty acid (or PUFA) from the Omega 3 group that is found in all cell membranes and particularly in the eyes and all nerve cells, including the brain.
As explained above, due to the low transformation of ALA into DHA, this Omega 3 must be provided through food (oily fish) or through supplementation with a well-dosed supplement.
The role of DHA
DHA plays a fundamental role in the body:
- For the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system: it particularly increases resistance to nervous stress
- during pregnancy: for mother and child (see below);
- To combat eye fatigue and aging
- To reduce the risk of high blood pressure;
- For the most harmonious functioning possible of all physiological functions: its presence in all cell membranes and its active role in their exchange capacity, its influence on the synthesis of cholesterol largely explain its preventive virtues (anti-inflammatory etc.)
The other virtues of DHA
DHA plays an important role in children and athletes
In children: it is essential for the proper development of the brain and nervous system. Logically, this begins during pregnancy and breastfeeding with a mother's diet sufficiently rich in DHA.
In Athletes: DHA has a triple beneficial role
- Reduction of the impacts of muscle damage
- Reduction of inflammatory disorders resulting from intensive stress on ligaments and joints
- Increase in the antioxidant capacity of the body (which also allows for less cellular aging)
Action against cancer cells
Research work from Professor Feron's team (IREC/University of Louvain) published in June 2021 in the scientific journal 'Cell Metabolism' shows that under certain conditions, DHA acts as a poison against cancer cells. It is certain that these extremely important conclusions will quickly be confirmed and deepened by other studies. This is a major advance in the field of nutrition and health.
DHA requirements
It is recommended to have an intake of 250 mg of DHA per day so that the health claims recognized in France and in the EU on the contributions of DHA to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and ocular systems are real. (1)
You just need to know that DHA represents more than 90% of Omega 3 in the retina and the brain to understand its fundamental importance in the functioning of these two particularly stressed organs!
Our life in front of screens has notably created a new specific fatigue.
DHA and pathologies
Prior note: the information below cannot replace any form of medical treatment, it contains scientific information on the preventive roles of DHA in the context of certain specific physiological situations, the origin of which is however always Multifactorial: contributions optimum DHA cannot claim to correct the disorders mentioned below on their own.
On the other hand, a lack of DHA will increase the risks.
- DHA reduces the risk of high blood pressure
- DHA and pregnancy: in addition to its benefits for fetal development and reducing the risk of high blood pressure, DHA reduces the risk of preterm birth and postpartum depression.
- DHA and cancer: several studies show the positive impact of DHA in limiting the development of certain tumor cells (prostate, breast, etc.)
- DHA and type 2 diabetes: DHA and PUFA have a positive action to limit the risk of insulin resistance
DHA and chronic inflammation: we find phenomena of chronic inflammation of certain tissues at the origin of a number of pathologies (irritable bowel syndrome, etc.). DHA and PUFA allow the body to synthesize 'resolvins' and 'protectins' which reduce this inflammation.
Omega 3 and DHA: in conclusion
Daily intake of Omega 3 DHA should never be neglected at any stage of life.
This can only be achieved with foods rich in omega 3 such as oily fish. Specific supplementation such as our food supplement Argalys Essentiels , obtained from Cultivated Algae, without negative impact on marine fauna, is therefore necessary.
Two summary documents to find out more:
(1) the complete ANSES report https://www.anses.fr/fr/system/files/NUT-Ra-omega3.pdf Florence Hubert:
Enzymatic synthesis of structured phospholipids rich in DHA. (Enzymatic synthesis of structured phospholipids rich in DHA). University of Maine, Le Mans, France, 2018 ( https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01887172 )
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