Magnésium : à quoi reconnaît-on une carence en magnésium ?

Magnesium: how do you recognize a magnesium deficiency?

7 Français sur 10 ont une carence en magnésium ? Pourtant il existe des signaux qui permettent de déceler une carence et de la traiter rapidement.

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An essential mineral for good health, magnesium is involved in many metabolic reactions. What are the consequences of a magnesium deficiency ? What foods are rich in magnesium?

How is magnesium essential for good health?

Just like calcium, for example, magnesium (Mg) is a mineral salt essential to our body . Involved in dozens of metabolic reactions, it contributes in particular to the regulation of heart rate, the breakdown of lipids and even the regulation of blood sugar.

What are the benefits of magnesium?

Magnesium has a very important anti-stress action:

  • Muscle relaxation: it helps to relax the muscles
  • Vasodilator effect: this function dilates veins and arteries, and therefore reduces blood pressure
  • Regulation of nerve impulses: magnesium participates in the transmission, but above all, in the regulation of nerve impulses. Its role in pain relief is well known to the medical profession.

These actions go in the direction of self-relaxation and improving the feeling of well-being.

Furthermore, associated with vitamin D, magnesium helps prevent osteoporosis. It is also used to prevent type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and migraines.

What are the daily Mg requirements?

The daily magnesium intake is estimated at 6 mg/kg/day . This means that a 75 kg man must consume 450 mg of Mg every day. For a 65 kg woman, the daily requirement is 390 mg.

Pregnant women and the elderly have greater needs. Furthermore, over the course of life, the necessary intake of magnesium increases. It is thus much more substantial as we get older.

Magnesium deficiency: what are the risks?

Many adults have a more or less significant magnesium deficiency in France. The origin of this daily deficit can be linked to diet, but also to many other factors. Thus, certain medical treatments increase the urinary elimination of Mg. Poor intestinal absorption can also be a cause, as can some female contraceptives.

A deficiency can go unnoticed for a very long time because it does not cause problems that are easy to detect. Only a blood test allows this. However, this can result in various muscular disorders (appearance of cramps, tetany, tremors, eyelid spasms, etc.), general fatigue, decreased appetite, difficulty concentrating or even mood swings.

What foods are rich in magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for our body but which cannot be synthesized by it. A varied and balanced diet is therefore the basis for good health.

Among foods, some have higher magnesium contents. Examples of foods rich in Mg (per 100 g):

  • Gray sea salt: 503 mg
  • Cocoa powder: 376 mg
  • Sunflower seeds: 360 mg
  • Sesame seeds: 324 mg
  • Cooked periwinkles: 300 mg
  • Wheat germs: 256 mg
  • Cashews: 240 mg
  • Almonds: 220 mg
  • Cereal bread: 180 mg
  • Buckwheat flour: 150 mg
  • Nuts: 125 mg
  • Brown rice: 100 mg
  • Hazelnuts: 88 mg
  • Cooked chestnuts: 52 mg

Supplement your diet with food supplements rich in magnesium?

An unbalanced diet, stress and significant physical exertion can lead to a deficiency. The lack of magnesium is one of the most common deficiencies in France. Various studies have shown that nearly 7 out of 10 French people have a daily magnesium deficiency.

Using an Argalys food supplement rich in magnesium can help you meet your daily requirement and prevent certain symptoms. Fatigue in the first place, but also problems with muscle cramps or even concentration and memorization.

The Argalys formula combines two forms of magnesium (Bisglycinate and marine magnesium oxide) to optimize its effectiveness with better absorption and concentration.

Obviously, there is no question that this food supplement will replace a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. A food supplement helps to facilitate nutritional balance and overcome moments of fatigue or stress.