Oméga 3 DHA Vegan
- Algae extracts
- 250 mg of DHA per capsule
- No animal substances
- No taste or odor
- Made in France
Our omega-3 DHA is extracted from Schizochytrium sp algae, cultivated without impacting the marine ecosystem and with a very low oxidation index. Each capsule provides 250 mg of DHA, i.e. 100% of the recommended daily requirement to enjoy the recognised benefits for heart and brain function and vision.
En savoir plus
Our Omega 3 DHA Vegan formula is extracted from the algae Schizochytrium sp, the only one authorized in Europe for the production of DHA Omega 3 Vegan.
High-dose capsules (250 mg of Omega 3 DHA):
This corresponds to the recommendations of European health authorities who consider that 250 mg of DHA per day is necessary for proper functioning:
- From the cardiovascular system
- Of the nervous system
- From vision
- Of the heart.
An additional quality ( TotOx < 7):
Our 100% airtight capsules avoid the oxidation usually encountered with classic capsules and allow Omega 3 to retain all their beneficial properties (TotOx < 7 mes/kg).
Our Omega 3 DHA is suitable for all diets and all people who wish to consume better, healthier and more responsibly, without negative impact on marine fauna.
In summary :
- Schizochytrium algae oil very rich in DHA
- Made in France : from algae extraction to packaging
- Highly dosed : 250 mg of DHA per capsule
- Certified Vegan
Omega 3 and DHA
A reminder about Omega 3 and DHA :
Omega-3s are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) known as essential because they are indispensable to the body (for its development and proper functioning).
The 3 components of PUFAs are :
ALA is the precursor of the other two omega-3s. It must be provided by the diet as the body cannot synthesise it.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): these can be synthesised by our bodies from ALA.
However, in over 90% of cases, the conversion of ALA into DHA is insufficient to cover our needs.
It is essential to provide DHA through the diet or supplements.
The role of DHA :
DHA plays a fundamental role in the body:
- For the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system: in particular, it increases resistance to nervous stress.
- During pregnancy: for both mother and child (see below);
- To combat fatigue and ageing of the eyes
- To reduce the risk of high blood pressure;
- For the smoothest possible functioning of all physiological functions: its presence in all cell membranes and its active role in their exchange capacity, its influence on cholesterol synthesis largely explain its preventive virtues (anti-inflammatory, etc.).
Other benefits of DHA :
DHA plays an important role in children and athletes
In children: it is essential for the proper development of the brain and nervous system. Logically, this begins during pregnancy and breast-feeding, with a mother's diet that is sufficiently rich in DHA.
For athletes: DHA has a triple beneficial role
- Reduces the impact of muscular injuries
- Reduced inflammatory disorders resulting from intensive use of ligaments and joints
- Increase in the body's anti-oxidant capacity (which also reduces cell ageing)
You can also read the Blog article on the benefits of Omega 3 and DHA.